Is my license suspended in texas
Is my license suspended in texas

If the ODL is granted, you must obtain and maintain insurance on your vehicle. Your case will be set for a hearing, where a judge will determine whether there is an essential need and what exactly yours is. To apply for an ODL, you must submit a petition to the court explaining why you need to drive during the period of suspension. Take care of essential household duties."Essential need" means a person needs to use a vehicle to: However, you will be limited on where you can go. If a judge determines that you are eligible for an occupational driver's license (ODL), you will be able to drive lawfully during the period of suspension. Fortunately, Texas offers what is called an occupational (or essential needs) license.

is my license suspended in texas

Losing your driving privileges for any length of time can be detrimental. The suspension period begins within 30 days of your conviction. Second or third DWI or first intoxication manslaughter offense: 180 days to 2 years.


Under Texas Transportation Code § 521.344, the suspension periods are as follows: The driver's license suspension period depends on several factors, such as your criminal history and the severity of the offense. Losing the ability to drive legally can severely limit what you can do, including getting yourself to work or school or taking care of essential household duties.

is my license suspended in texas

In Texas, a driving while intoxicated (DWI) conviction comes with a bevy of penalties, including the suspension of your driver's license.

Is my license suspended in texas